Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Profit and Loss Account PLS | PLS Appropriation Account


Companies Ordinance does not prescribe any particular form in which the profit and loss account (or income and expenditure account) of a company should be prepared. However, it has been laid down as to what it shall contain and disclose.

 According to Section 234 (1) every profit and loss account shall give a true and fair view of the profit or loss of the company for the financial year. In order to disclose the true profit or loss of a company for the financial year, it is necessary that the profit and loss account should be so drawn up, that the balance shown at some stage in the account can properly describe as the profit or loss for the financial year and the item set out later in the account can be seen to be:

·        Matters not relative to a fair ascertainment of the profit or loss for the year.

·        Adjustments.

·        Appropriations of the profits including the balance brought forward.

 Contents of the Profit and Loss Account

The profit and loss account of a non-listed company must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of Part-Ill of Schedule Fifth to the Companies' Ordinance. Detailed contents of the profit and loss account of a listed company is prescribed in the Part-II of Schedule Fourth to the Companies Ordinance. Both these schedules themselves are self. explanatory. The former deals with the listed companies and the later provide details for all the other companies. Most of the clauses in the former have been repeated in the later except certain special information additionally required to be disclosed by listed companies. According to Part-||| Schedule Fifth the requirements as to profit and loss account of companies are summarized as follows:


a. Gross turnover and deduction therefrom:

1.     Commission paid to sole selling agents:

2.      Commission paid to other selling agents:

3.     Brokerage and discount on sales.

b- Income from investments, showing separately the income from each associated undertaking and other investments.

c-  Interest/profit accrued or received showing separately against loans and advances.

d- Profit on sale of the investment.

e- Profit on sale of fixed assets.

f-  Income arising from any unusual transaction.

G- Income arising against any prior year item: and

h- Other income stating each material item separately.

 Material Consumption & Stock Position:

The material consumption figures indicating the opening and closing balance of raw material, work-in-progress and finished goods and the purchase of material and stock during the year must be stated.

In case, however, by. the accounting method employed by the company, the "cost of material consumed" or "cost of purchased finished goods sold" can be worked out, then the disclosures of opening and closing stocks (as discussed above) can be dispensed with.


Expenditure incurred under the following heads must be stated separately:

a)    Store and spares consumed Fuel and power

b)   Salaries, wages, including bonus, provident fund contribution and other staff welfare expenses

c)    Rent, rates, and taxes

d)    Insurance premium

e)    Repair and maintenance

f)      Patent, copyrights, trademarks, royalties and technical assistance tee and expenses

g)    Donations

h)   Depreciation or other provisions in diminution in value of assets and investment

i)      Interest showing separately on debentures, long term loans, and short-term loans, on borrowing from associated undertaking, directors and managing agents

j)      Loss on sale of investment and on sale of fixed assets

k)   Bad debts are written off and provision for doubtful debts distinguished between trade debts and other debts, and

l)      Provision for taxation indicating the provision for deferred tax.

Cost of Goods Manufactured/Exported

The PLS Account shall be so drawn up as to disclose separately the manufacturing trading and operating results.

In the case of a manufacturing concern, the cost of goods manufactured must be shown in the accounts.

The value of items during the financial year shall also be shown provided such value exceeds 20% of the total turnover of the company.

Other Disclosures

In the case of listed companies, the following information be disclosed;

The aggregate amount of expenses in respect of salary, fees, allowances, commission, and benefit allowed to:

a)    Directors

b)   Chief Executives

c)    Managing Agents

d)   Executives

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