Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Counter Service Career Guide | Career Best Wording |Retail Career Role Playing Activity

Circle of Excellence

Three Basic Elements

1.    Trust
2.    Guide
3.    Close

·       This drives customer service to excellence and increases customer satisfaction.

·       TRUST: 
The first step focuses on building a strong customer relationship. E.g. complimenting them and building a trustworthy relationship.  

Employee Ownership:

·       Feeling a sense of ownership about something brings about a sense of commitment, since people fee the "thing" belongs to them. 

·       It is important for every individual to have a sense of responsibility in them.

·       They should cater to their duties and not force them on someone else.

·       Everyone has to play their own part in the system for it to work properly. 

1. Identify yourself by announcing your name or the name of your department, instead of just "hello".

Assalam u Alaikum. Thank you for calling n________ (Branch Name). I am _______ (Name). How may I help you?

اسلام علیکم۔ میں برانچ سے ھارون بات کر رھا ہوں۔ بتائئے میں آپ کی کیسے مدد کر سکتا ہوں؟

2. Use respectful and considerate words and phrases, such as:
1.   "I'm sorry."
2.   "Thank you."
3.   "Please."
4.   "May I take a message?"
5.   "Would you like to leave your number?"
6.   "May I put you on hold?"
7.   "I'm sorry to keep you waiting."
8.   "He's away from his desk. May I have him return your call?"
3. Speak clearly and enunciate your words.

4. Use your hold button.

5. Before you put a caller on hold, ask for permission to do so. Do not leave the phone for more than 1 minute.

6. Smile into the receiver, because your voice will reflect your attitude.

7. Develop good listening and verbal skills to compensate for the lack of eye contact, facial expressions, and gestures.

8. Use the other person's name often. People like to hear their name.

9. Use good grammar and diction; avoid slang.

10. Speak slowly enough to be easily understood.

11. Be informed about your business, its services and personnel, and have basic materials and information readily available reference. Make referrals to other people and departments properly.

12. End the conversation with a definite "goodbye" or any other expression which leaves no doubt that the conversation is ended.

13. Let the person calling hang up first and then hang up the receiver gently.

14. Don't use words and phrases such as:
  "I don't know where he is."
  "She's at lunch. Call back later."
  "He's not here."
  "I don't know where he is or when he'll be back."

15. When you receive a transfer call say: "This is (your name). May I help you?" (No           need to reintroduce the company again.)  

16. After asking a caller to hold for the person they are calling for, be sure to say           "You're welcome" after their customary "Thank you." It shows that you are           truly listening to them and not in "receptionist mode"

17. Have a pad and pencil to take notes or messages.

18. Don’t eat or drink while you are on call. 

Role Playing Activity:

      Return Policy:

·       How not to act when a customer wants to return or exchange any product.
·       How to act when a customer wants to return or exchange any product.
    How to defuse an angry customer:

·       How not to deal with an angry customer.
·       How to deal with an angry customer. 
    Up-Selling and Cross-Selling:

·       How to cross-sell products to a customer.
·       How to up-sell products to a customer.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What is Up Selling? | What is Cross Selling | Difference Between Up Selling and Cross Selling

What is Upselling?

Upselling is a sales technique whereby a seller induces the customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale.


If a customer is at Fabric shop to buy a lawn printed shirt. Offer and convince her to buy a digital printed shirt.
ü  If the proposal clicks with the customer and she agrees to buy both; the target is achieved.

Upselling Tips:
1.    The additional products offered should be more expensive than the main product.
2.    Provide your clients with good customer service. 
3.    Carefully keep track of customer’s behavior and needs because this technique is more risky than the cross-selling technique since you are trying to sell something more expensive.
4.    Underline the added value of the expensive product.
5.    Another important aspect is helping the client decide to buy as a result of a pleasant experience.

What is Cross-Selling?
The practice of selling or suggesting related or complementary products to a customer, usually from different categories.
·       If a customer is at Fabric shop to buy a shirt. Offer and convince her to buy a matching tights as a complementary product.
·       If the proposal clicks with the customer and she agrees to buy both; the target is achieved.
Cross-selling Tips:
·       Identify his future needs and map the opportunities.
·       Ask for permission to pitch other products as per his needs.
·       Do not forget to showcase saving options like discounts, offers, etc.
·       Do not force him to buy but make him buy your products.
·       Choose correctly complementary products.
·        List best-sold products.
·       Inform your clients correctly about the opportunity to buy an additional product without forcing them to wonder or search.
·        Keep track of refusals to accept cross-selling or up-selling offers.

The Do's and Don'ts of Upselling and Cross-Selling:

·       Be sure highlight discounts for buying in quantity.
·        Everyone is looking for bargains these days so be sure to highlight sales, special offers and other discounts.
·       Stay relevant. Make sure the product you are trying to cross-sell actually relates to the product the customer is purchasing. Offering a reading lamp for a desk makes perfect sense.
·       Do test your cross-selling and up-selling to see which strategy and combinations work best for you. Try mixing and matching different items to find the combination that generates the most amount of revenue.

·       Don't use the cross-sell tactic to simply unload unwanted inventory. If the item is a discontinued item, be sure to let the customer know.
·       Don't interfere in the original purchase process.
·       Don't try to cross-sell a new product. The features and benefits of a new product take time to explain. Cross-sell purchases are typically impulsed buys that are no-brainers for the customer.
·       Don't be pushy when it comes to add-on sales. These should be recommendations. Put your customer's interests first and view cross-selling and up-selling as a means to educate your audience.

Finally, don't miss out on the opportunity to cross-sell and up sell or you risk leaving revenue and profit per order on the table!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

How to deal with Customer ?| Customer Perception | Customer Environment |Retail Wrong Words

Types of Customers:
·       Loyal Customers 
·       Discount Customers 
·       Impulse Customers 
·       Need-Based Customers 
·       Wandering Customers
·       Confused Customers
·       Independent Customers 

Dealing with Difficult Behavior:

·      Talkative Customers:
Ask close-ended questions. Smile and be pleasant.
·      Angry Customers:
Listen carefully and understand the problem. Stay calm and be polite. Don’t get defensive and blame others.
·      The “know it all” Customer:

 Always acknowledge them and compliment them on their knowledge. Don’t try to be over smart.
·      Indecisive Customer:
Find out what they really want and ask them for options. Gain their trust and confidence.
·       Suspicious Customer:
You should have full knowledge of their products. Be polite and choose your words carefully. Don’t take it personally.  

How to Communicate with Unsatisfied Customer?

·      Listen: 
listen attentively to his/her complaint. Be patient, attentive and friendly.
·       Express you are Sorry: 
“We are sorry for this inconvenience.”
·      Do not Argue: 
This will only worsen the situation. Let the customer speak before you try to discuss with him what has happened.
·       Don’t lose your Self-Control: 
If you stay relaxed customer will calm down.
·       Point out Facts:
Listen to everything and write everything down.

·       Admit the Problem:
Suggest a solution if you can. Discuss with the customer what actions you will take and what actions to follow. Don’t promise something that you cannot fulfill.

Customer’s Perception:

·       Keep in mind that people will not respond in the same way.
·       Keep in mind that every individual has different and very individual needs.
·       Ensure that the salesperson respond in a positive way towards every different personality they encounter.
·       Be aware that when the salesperson is rude to the customer, they are ignoring and discouraging the value of their job.

·       Remind themselves that every customer will be encouraged to remain a customer of the business through the excellence of the service offered.

The Customer Environment:

The customer environment is an important element in customer service. This is where every customer:
  •    Should feel special
  •    Should feel respected
  •   Should never feel neglected
  •    Every customer should be treated equally
  •  Expects the salesperson to perform in a professional and ethical manner

Words to avoid using with Customers:

    ·       “Hold on.” or “Hang on.”
·       “What's your problem?”
·        “Just a sec”
·        “Here's what I'm gonna do…”
·       “Pull you up” (on my screen)

          ·       “I can't do that.” or “We can't do that.”
·       “He's very busy now.”
·       “That's not my department. You'll have to speak with someone else.”
·       “I don't know.”
·       “We'll have to call you back.”


         ·       “You have to…/You should have…”
·       “That's against company policy.”
·       “Calm down.”
·       “Like I said…”
·       “If you had read your manual...”

Wrong Words and Phrases:
  ·       What makes the following phrases tragic? The speakers' implied messages shown in the right column are good clues.
·       “As soon as possible”                     
   “When I get around to it.”
·       “I'll try.”                                           
   “Not sure I can do it.”
·       “The truth is…”                                 
 “I probably shouldn't tell you this.”                                   
·       “To be honest...”                           
“Who really knows?”                 
                ·       “Hopefully…”                                          

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